submitted by Alison Verbeck
Jeff Bond won the Texas Christian University Provost’s Academic Affairs Outstanding Staff Award and was a finalist for TCU’s Chancellor’s Staff Award for Outstanding Service.
Sally Bosken retiredfrom the Naval Observatory library after a wonderful 9 years.
Nancy Curtis, University of Maine, was transferred to the Reference Services department after the dissolution of the library’s Science & Engineering Center. She is keeping her subject liaison responsibilities, including physics and astronomy, while she takes on the challenge of keeping an utterly straight face when students in the Family Interaction class state that they must find peer-reviewed articles on “dating a cougar.”
Jane Holmquist, Astrophysics, Mathematics and Physics Librarian at Princeton, and Anne Langley, Science & Technology Librarian, were recently interviewed about the Peter B. Lewis Library for the Winter 2015 issue of AIP Library Matters. You can read it here:
Michiko Tanaka retired from the Research Library of Brookhaven National Laboratory at the end of January. She says, “PAM was my best resource for professional development and I enjoyed every conference and friendship with PAM members. I miss being a member of PAM. My e-mail address for the next chapter of my life is Please keep in touch!”